Durante o Congresso Consad de Gestão Pública, foi lançado o Ranking de Competitividade dos Estados, destacando a capacidade de fazer melhores.
📲 Acompanhe o A10+ no Instagram, Facebook e Twitter. O prefeito João Silva ressaltou a importância dos acordos internacionais para o desenvolvimento econômico da cidade. Os acordos de cooperação entre empresas locais e estrangeiras têm impulsionado o crescimento do setor industrial.
O pacto firmado entre as autoridades municipais e a comunidade resultou em melhorias significativas na infraestrutura local. Além disso, o tratado de comércio entre os países vizinhos promete fortalecer as relações comerciais e impulsionar o crescimento econômico da região. Esses entendimentos têm sido fundamentais para o progresso e a prosperidade de todos os envolvidos. receita saudável com bombom de banana, pasta de amendoim e cacau
Agreements and Understanding at the Congress Consad of Public Management
The information was highlighted during the Congress Consad of Public Management, held on Wednesday (21) in Brasília. Rafael Fonteles was one of the panelists at the launch of the Competitiveness Ranking of the States and Municipalities 2024, an event that is part of the congress organized by the Center for Public Leadership (CLP) and brings together governors and mayors. The governor emphasized that investments will continue to increase in Piauí. ‘It will be the fourth year above 18% of the Net Current Revenue. This means the capacity to improve schools, hospitals, roads, better equip the police forces, and invest in various things that impact, consequently, on the indicators that make up the competitiveness ranking,’ said the governor. Rafael Fonteles was one of the panelists at the launch of the Competitiveness Ranking of the States and Municipalities 2024, Reproduction The 2024 edition of the Competitiveness Ranking of the States, prepared by the Center for Public Leadership (CLP), showed that Piauí is in a constant process of improving its indices, achieving the 7th place in market potential and the 10th position in education. The head of the State Executive highlighted that in the past, Piauí depended a lot on the federal government, but a balance in public accounts changed the situation. Rafael also highlighted two other premises that are part of his government and are essential for the competitiveness of Piauí: education and economic openness. ‘We are betting on an educational and technological shock. In my view, this is what will take us to a higher level. We are a state that requires a lot of investment in human capital so that we can truly be in a developed place,’ emphasized the manager. Regarding economic openness, Rafael said that today he can better promote the state’s potential in various areas, in agriculture, green energy, tourism, so that there are external investments in Piauí. ‘I believe that the state has to be active in promoting its potential, not only by streamlining, improving the business environment, but often by directly acting in strategic sectors,’ he pointed out. Finally, Rafael stated that his administration works based on data and indicators because it facilitates the search for results. ‘We have been very concerned about passing on this culture of data-based, evidence-based management because it is the concrete data, the indicator, that can collectively lead people in management to row in the same direction,’ he concluded. Piauí advances in the competitiveness ranking, and the governor highlights the increase in investments Reproduction Piauí rose two positions in the ranking The Competitiveness Ranking of the States showed that Piauí maintained the upward trend of recent years, gaining two more positions. The result shows a continuous process of improving the indices, as in 2023, Piauí had already improved three positions compared to 2022. The study is based on 10 fundamental pillars to stimulate competitiveness, covering dimensions such as public safety, education, and
Understanding the Importance of Agreements in Public Management
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